Sunday 10 May 2020

The many benefits of liquorice

Anxiety and Depression
According to research studies, the “Glycyrrhizic” acid contained in Liquorice Root could positively aid those suffering with anxiety and depression by promoting healthy adrenal gland function.
 Cortisol is a hormonal agent that causes tension, and secretion of cortisol is regulated by the adrenal glands. Generally, the cause of persistent depression, stress, anxiety and fatigue, is the result of diminished healthy hormone levels. Consuming one cup of Liquorice tea twice daily may prove useful for those suffering from migraine headaches triggered by stress, and the feelings of anxiety, depression or nervousness.
 Gastric Disorders & Stomach Ulcers
Liquorice is utilized in many ways to treat different intestinal and stomach conditions. As a result of its known anti-inflammatory properties, Liquorice is used to treat heartburn, and colic. As well, because Liquorice contains flavonoids that are effective in the elimination of ulcer-causing bacteria, it can effectively address persistent stomach problems that cause inflammation of the stomach lining, and Peptic stomach ulcers.
 Respiratory Conditions
Liquorice Root is a common active ingredient found in present-day throat lozenges and anti-cough mixtures, and can be used as an effective expectorant when dealing with respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and sore throat. Liquorice promotes the passage of mucous and other unwanted components from the lungs. As a result of the expectorant qualities of Liquorice, it can loosen and help remove phlegm and effectively improve the health of those suffering from colds and bronchitis, thus contributing to cleaner, healthier lungs and organs.
 Heart Disease and High Cholesterol
According to research studies, Liquorice Root might manage cholesterol levels by enhancing the flow of bile. The antioxidant activity of Liquorice Root might prevent the development of arterial plaque and thereby improve capillary function and health. Therefore, taking a daily dose of Deglycyrrhizinated Liquorice Root extract may assist in managing healthy cholesterol levels and preventing cardiovascular heart disease.
 Itchy Skin
Liquorice has been revealed to have anti-itch effects comparable to the topical use of hydrocortisone steroid cream, and Liquorice is often utilized in creams and pastes that can be applied to the afflicted skin.
 Shingles and Herpes
Liquorice Root Extract has effectively been used in the treatment of herpes simplex, shingles and cold sores, with several research studies having revealed that the anti-viral properties of Liquorice Root extract may be successful in suppressing the re-occurrence or progression of herpes simplex fever blisters.
 In some extreme cases the topical application of “Carbenoxolone” cream, which is an artificial derivative of the Glycyrrhizinic acid found in Liquorice, has been proven beneficial for eliminating the herpes virus. A simple treatment for these types of fever blisters is to ingest one pill of Liquorice Root extract twice daily and apply Liquorice Root extract gel or lotion to the afflicted area 4 to 5 times each day.
 Hormone Imbalances
Liquorice roots have anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-depressant qualities, and as a result of the antioxidant properties of these medicinal roots, they can effectively work in treating high cholesterol, heart problems, and menopause.
 In order to promote positive progress without any unwanted side effects, the Liquorice root is used in its de-glycyrrhizinate form, where it can be effective in decreasing arterial plaque build-up on the walls of the arteries, and enhance capillary health, which is paramount in preventing cardiovascular disease.
 A daily capsule of Liquorice root extract can help to regulate and control proper hormone production in menopausal women. The antioxidant and estrogenic properties work together to encourage hormone balance, and due to the anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of this amazing plant, PMS and menstrual cramps (as a result of fluctuations in hormone balance) are reduced when adding the health benefits of Liquorice root.
Perhaps the most ironic discovery concerning the health benefits of Liquorice occurred in the spring of 2012, when a research team at the Max Slab Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany identified a group of substances found within the Liquorice root (“amorfrutins”) reduced inflammation and blood sugar levels, prompting them to advocate that the sweetest of all sugary tasting foods (Liquorice) might be the newest treatment in the fight against the rampant diabetes epidemic that is sweeping the nation.
 According to an article entitled “Liquorice: The Candy that Combats Diabetes,” which was published in the May 2012 edition of the monthly magazine, The Atlantic, “Now scientists have discovered that Liquorice Root from the papilionaceae or leguminous family may also work in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.”
 Further, Doctor Singh’s blog on Liquorice Advantages notes that Liquorice can be effectively used to help reduce moderate cognitive concerns that are caused by diabetes, and that the flavonoids found in Liquorice help to strengthen nerves and enhance memory.
 Liquorice sweets, just to eat.
 Obviously, one can’t forget the most apparent benefit of Liquorice, which is that it makes us feel better simply because we love the taste!
 Because of its unique flavour and sweetness, Liquorice extract or Liquorice root is a very popular flavouring for many types of confectionery products found in today marketplace, and individuals with a sweet tooth all over the world can enjoy the benefits of this most popular and highly versatile plant.

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The many benefits of liquorice

Anxiety and Depression According to research studies, the “Glycyrrhizic” acid contained in Liquorice Root could positively aid those suf...